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Lyrics translation

Top Rojle – Top Macho

Top Rojle – Top Macho

Translated to English by Sofian Zerelli
Edited by Znous

Top Rojle is a spit on the face of one of the most toxic, ignorant, macho, criminal and disgusting politicians in Tunisian history.


Oh you! cheap bastard!
Bootlicker of the pasta guy!(2)
You Top Macho!
This is the day you meet the ghoul!
Oh you, raised up by oppression/product of fear
You are the sewage of your father’s knees/cum(3)
You Top Macho!
The sleeping seed from the old regime(4)
Oh you, leader of fuckfaces
You desolate little rat
You Top Macho!
One day you will die crushed by a huge penis
You, the cheapest creature among all humans
You are a microbe that plagued your own country
You are a mule-head(5)
The mule is an animal yet way more decent than you!

He’s a dodgy businessmen
He’d sell blood for 1 Dinar(6)
He’s a lawyer, a Hyena, and a mocker
Rotten meat = halal

He’s a bully with a blunt weapon
He’s virile like a ram
His penis is his only source of pride
as well as a bunch of ignorant followers

Give it to me!
It’s time to pay your dues
My words are knife stabs
My music is like the torment of the grave of this life we are  living!
Give it to me!
Slash him with a blade
This jerk of a “lion”
“Hijama” just like the sunna of the messenger of allah

Oh you! cheap bastard!
Bootlicker of the pasta guy!(2)
You Top Macho!
This is the day you meet the ghoul!
Oh you, raised up by oppression/product of fear
You are the sewage of your father’s knees/cum(3)
You Top Macho!
The sleeping seed from the old regime(4)
Oh you, leader of fuckfaces
You desolate little rat
You Top Macho!
One day you will die crushed by a huge penis
You, the cheapest creature among all humans
You are a microbe that plagued your own country
You are a mule-head(5)
The mule is female and she is your lady

A merchant of dignity(7)
Selling pigeon(8) testicles by the Kilogram
Fuck him up! he’s a sheikh without a turban
He has got a passion for terrorism

Cattle legs and Lablabi(9)
He always dreamed about becoming a terrorist
He was good at lying since a school-kid
And he only grew up to become a loser dickhead

Give it to me!
It’s time to pay your dues
My words are bank checks
I’m taking back everything you stole
Give it to me!
Bring the corrupt
Give me the Shisha-mouthpiece(10)
Come on Saifon(11) put your legs up in the air!


(2) A reference to him bootlicking the corrupt politician Nabil Karoui, who attracted voters by distributing food, mainly pasta, to the poor.
(3) It’s a common misbelief or “popular myth” in Tunisia that sperm is actually stored in the knees.
(4) Tunisia’s ex-President Ben-Ali who ruled the country until the arab spring.
(5) “Mule head” is an insult which was often openly used by Seifeddine Makhlouf, in this context it is used as a response to his misogynies, meaning that female animals are superior and more decent than him
(6) Tunisia’s currency is the Tunisian Dinar
(7) His political partie is named “the coalition for dignity”
(8) The pigeon represents the Ennahdha islamist reigning partie in Tunisia (their logo), for whom Seifeddine Makhlouf’s parti does “the dirty work”.
(9) A popular Tunisian dish, mainly served as street-food
(10) The Shisha mouthpiece (the plastic tube)  is often used also as a whip.
(11) A common nickname in Tunisia for men called “Seif” or “Seifeddine”

توب رجلة

توب رجلة هي بصقة على وجه زعيم حزب إئتلاف القذارة الارهابي سيف الدين
باراشوك و مايمثّله هذا الأخير و أتباعه و أمثاله فكريّا و اجتماعيّا و سياسيّا

آه يا رخيص السّوم
يا لاحس المقرون
يا توب رجلة
جاك الغول نهار ليوم
آه يا رباية خوف
زبلة ركايب بوك
يا توب رجلة
يا زرّيعة المخلوع
آه يا زعيم رهوط
يا جرذ يا مڨحوط
يا توب الرجلة
يعطك عصبة بيها تموت
آه يا رخيص أندانك
جرثومة نكت بلادك
يا راس بغلة
و البغلة بكمة و هي للاّتك
آه يا رخيص أندانك
جرثومة نكت بلادك
يا راس بغلة
تي البغلة أنثى و هي للاّتك
تي البغلة بكمة و هي للاّتك

تاجر مغوار
الدم يبيعو بدينار
محامي ضبع و مقعار
و الجيفة حلال

فصالة بوحديدة
و فحل تڨول كبش طريدة
راس مالو بشلة ڨديدة
و كمشة جهّال

صفي حسابات
كلامي دغرات
و موزيكة عذاب ڨبر لحياة بالموت
نيكو بجيلات
الصّيد العفاط
حجامة على سنّة الرسول

تاجر كرامة
بالكيلو كرارز الحمامة
عبيلو شيخ بلا عمامة
و العشق ارهاب

عقد و لبلابي
كان يحلم يطلع إرهابي
مالمكتب يكذب بالباهي
و طلع زباب

صفي حسابات
كلامي شيكات
نخلص في الّي هربتو نهبتوه
جيب الفسّاد
و هات الجبّاد
سيفون أيّا ساقيك لفوق