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Lyrics translation

El-Mawdhuu – The Topic (EP interlude)

El-Mawdhuu – The Topic

Translated to English by Hella Grichi
(Sample audio sampled from a TV reportage where the journalist interviews an arrested suspect who is facing being jailed for selling alcohol without a license/black market)

“The simplest thing in this life is to work

What job?

Working for 20 Dinars a day won’t get you anywhere

When you go to work at a construction site, they give you 20 Dinars and make you work 12 hours

When you go to work at a wedding, they give you 8 Dinars a day and you work 12 hours as well

Do you understand the issue, brother?

This is our issue in this life

And I am not bothered by anything. Nothing.

Do you know what I want from this life, from the almighty God?

You know what I wish for?


Every moment, every hour, every minute that passes me by, each time I open my eyes in the morning

I wish to die

I swear to God as he is my witness, I want to die.

I die to rest.

Like that, I won’t have to think anymore.

Neither about money, nor the state, nor the people, nor a house, nor my sister, nor my father, nor my mother

Like that, I will be totally free from this life.”



Sidi Arbi – My Master, the Arab

Sidi Arbi
Translated to English by Sofian Zerelli
Edited by Znous

“Sidi Arbi” (My Master, the Arab) is an enquiry into the controversial sense of
identity amongst the inhabitants of north Africa, and especially Tunisia.
It’s a historical analysis of the tragic Arabization of north African natives, cultural hegemony and the prevalence and spread of hardline Islamism as an ideology during the last decade.

Look who’s coming to congratulate us, Our country is open for everyone…
Just wash your feet before you come in
The Arabs eradicated us to bring the religion of god!
and raped our women by the same occasion…
Lucky is who strips us of our riches and sell us into slavery
and earned a fortune while doing so
then came the rule of the Arabs’ pigs
Seeds of the ottomans

they raised the price of the bitter bread
Burned down our harvest
Sold the fertile
“Praise our lord prophet!”
They silenced free speech
Killed the flame of our revolution
and gave gave Sheikha Moza(1)
the power to rule over you!

Look who’s coming to congratulate us, Our country is open for everyone..
Welcome be the macho king!
The Arabs eradicated us to bring the religion of god!
Butchered us with their swords!
Lucky is who strips us of our riches and sell us into slavery
He perished miserably in exile(3)
Then came the rule of the Arabs’ pigs
and those of Israel

Dead babies in cupboard boxes(4)
Worker women dead in truck accidents(5)
Protesters shot with buckshots in Siliana(6)
“Praise our lord prophet!”
They silenced free speech
Killed the flame of our revolution
and gave gave Sheikha Moza(1)
the power to rule over you and me!

Rewrite the past and the present
You the people who have forgotten who you are
Stand up and knock off the Sheikh(7)
Who sucked your blood for years
Come back to life, you still have a fight left in you
You still have your brave women and men
Resist however you can, despite your hunger and ignorance
your light must prevail over the darkness…in you

(1) Sheikha Moza bint Nasser is the former Ruler of Qatar’s Wife and she is used as a reference to the Qatari influence on Tunisia’s politics and economy during the early years of the Islamism rule after the Tunisian revolution.

(3) A reference to Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the former Tunisian president, ousted during the Arab spring and exiled in Saudi Arabia where he died in 2019.
(4) A reference to the decaying Tunisian public health service and infrastructure. In March 2019 11 newborns died in a public hospital in Tunis and their dead bodies were handed over to their parents in cupboard boxes.
(5) A reference to the extreme poverty and economical exploitation of women in poor rural areas, where they are transported in open pickups with no security to the fields where they work. In April 2019 one of the pickups crashed, killing 12 women
(6) A reference to the prevalence of brutality and the excessive use of force by the Tunisian police after the revolution. In 2012 Tunisian riot police fired live buckshots on civilians during clashes in the city of Siliana
(7) Sheikh Rached El Ghannouchi, the leader of the Islamism political party Ennahda, who is responsible for much of Tunisia’s problems since the revolution. The Sheikh here also represent the patriarchal and the religious figure.

سيدي العربي

سيدي العربي” هي وقفة على أطلال الهويّة المطموسة لسكاّن منطقة
شمال افريقيا و خاصّة تونس. معالجة تاريخيّة لتراجيديا عربنة السكّان
الأصليّين و إمتداد الفكر و الحكم الإسلاموي في العشرة
سنين الأخيرة
و يا سعد من جانا و هنّانا، بلادي ملك ربي
بركة اغسل ساڨيك
و من بعد ما سحڨنا العُربانة، و جابو دين ربي
و شدّو نسانا بالسيف
و يا سعد من باعنا و عرّانا و عاش متخبي
حشاه تي صحة ليه
و من بعد ما حكمو الطحانة كلاب سيدي العربي
و العثمانيينالخبزة المرة غلّوها
و الصابة الي فاضت حرڨوحا
و النعجة الي جابت باعوها
ڨولو مصلّي عالنبي!
الكلمة الحرة غدروها
و الثورة جمرة و طفوها
و الشيخة موزة حطوها
تحكم في والديك!و يا سعد من جانا و هنّانا، بلادي ملك ربي
أهلا و سهلا بالصيد
و من بعد ما سحڨنا العُربانة، و جابو دين ربي
و جبدو علينا الحديد
و يا سعد من باعنا و عرّانا و عاش متخبي
منفي مات ذليل
و من بعد ما حكمو الطحانة كلاب سيدي العربي
و كلاب اسرائيلالكبدة عطوها في كرضونة
و نسانا تڨلبو في كميونة
فسليانة بالرش طشّونا
ڨولو مصلّي عالنبي

الكلمة الحرّة غدروها
والثورة الجمرة و طفّوها
و الشيخة موزة حطّوها
تحكم فيّا و فيك

عاود إكتب الحاضر و التاريخ
يا شعب ناسي انت شكونك..
أوڨف و أڨلب صحفة سيدي الشيخ
الي عبّاها من عرجونك
عاود فيق مازال فيك الروح
مازال فيك نساك و رجالك
قاوم بلّي فيك، بلّي فيك جهل و جوع
لازم نورك يطغى على ظلامك!

Juna/They were all here

Juna/They were all here
Translated to English by Sofian Zerelli
Edited by Znous

Synopsis: A time lapse of Tunisia’s history from the stone age to the modern age of boot licking. Znous is a tunisian hardcore punk band, inspired by what remains from the country’s collective awareness of its own misery. This song is called “They were all here”, and it a shout out to Tunisia, Algeria, north Africa and to the whole continent.

The romans and the vandals invaded us
but they couldn’t handle us
The spaniards and the turks invaded us
but they couldn’t handle us
Mr Jean and the gauls invaded us
but they couldn’t handle us
And then came the arabs
and they managed to screw us

The germans and the italians invaded us
but they couldn’t handle us
The phoenicians from Lebanon invaded us
but they couldn’t handle us
The latins and the normans invaded us
but they couldn’t handle us
Until we met Banu Hilal(1)
and they managed to screw us

Here came the independence and Habib Bourgiba (2)
We didn’t understand shit
Here came button shirts and trousers
But we didn’t understand shit
Here came Mzali(3) who fucked it up
and we didn’t understand shit
Here came Wasila(4)..oh shit!
We got truly humiliated

Here came Bouazizi(5), played with fire
We didn’t understand shit
Here came Rachid Ammar(6) and his snipers
We didn’t understand shit
Here came ZABA(7) on the national TV
We truly didn’t get shit
But the motherfucker was already at the airport..
We got truly humiliated

Here came Lembazzaa(8) and Bajbouj(9)
They couldn’t handle us
The came the bastards and the clown(10)
We got truly humiliated
Here came Daechs(11) and the terrorists They slaughtered us and murdered us
Here came that piece of shit called Ghannouchi(12)
he managed to screw us

They killed Chokri Belaid(13) in an ambush
Only to pray at his grave afterwards
They violated our borders and smuggled weapons in
Sold them and shared the benefits
They sent brainwashed people to fight for ISIS in Syria
and who knows where else…
When our people wanted to revolt
they didn’t care about the odds..

(1)Banu Hilal: A confederation of arabian tribes who invaded north africa in the 11th century
(2)Habib Bouguiba: The first president of the tunisian republic (1957-1987), formed after the independance from France
(3)Mohamed Mzali: A corrupt politician from the Bourguiba Era, Prime Minister (1980-1986), sentenced for fraud
(4)Wassila Ben Ammar: First Lady of Tunisia from 1962 to 1986
(5)Mohamed Bouazizi: The man who officially “started” the arab spring by setting himself on fire in late 2010
(6)Rachid Ammar: A former General in the tunisian army
(7)ZABA: Zine El Abidine Ben Ale, tunisia’s president from 1987 until the arab spring
(8)Fouad Lembazzaa: An interim president during the unrest of the revolution
(9)Beji Caid Essebsi: Tunisia’s late president (2015 – 2019)
(10)The clown: a reference to Moncef El Marzouki, Tunisia’s president from 2011 to 2014
(11)Daech: The arab name of the terrorist organization ISIS
(12)Rached El Ghannouchi: Leader of the Ennahdha Party/Movement
(13)Chokri Belaid: A tunisian leftist politician who fought for the separation of politics and religion, and was eventually assassinated for, his murder has not been solved to this day


جُونا الوندَال جُونا الرُّوم
وعلينا ماقدرو
جُونا الأتراك وسبنيور
وعلينا ماقدرو
جُونا الgaulois و monsieur John
وعلينا ماقدرو
جُونا العريبة بالأفيون
و علينا هُم رقدو
جُونا الجرمان جُونا الطليان
وعلينا ماقدرو
جُونا الفينيق من لبنان
وعلينا ماقدرو
جُونا اللاتين و النورمان
وعلينا ماقدرو
حَتّى جانا بنو هلال
و علينا هُم رقدو
جَانا الحبيب و الإستقلال
و مَافهمنا والو
جِتنا الchemise و السّروال
و مَافهمنا والو
جَانا المزالي ناك الأحوال
و مَافهمنا والو
جِتنا وَسيلة واشمازال؟
رِفسو فينا و بالو
جَانا البوعزيزي لعب بالنّار
و مَافهمنا والو
جُونا القنّاصة رشيد عمّار
و مَافهمنا والو
ياوجَانا الزابَا في الأَخبار
و مَافهمنا والو
و هو ولد القحبة في المطار
رِفسو فينا و بالو
جَانا المبزّع و البجبوج
وعلينا ماقدرو
جُونا الطحانة و الطرطور
سِرقو فينا و نهبو
جانا الإرهاب والدعشوش
دغرو فينا و قتلو
جانا الغنّوشي هاكا الكبّول
يِمشي علينا بصدرو
قتلو شكري بالعيد مغدور
و صلّاو على قبرو
جابو لسلاح حلّو الحدود
باعو قسمو شطرو
بعثو القعبوط يجاهد طول
في سوريا و ماتدرو…
إنو شعبي كي حب يثور
ماسأل على زهرو….

Tfuuh / Spit

Translated to English by Zied Ghannouchi
Edited by Znous

Look to the streets if you can still see
See with your own eye how your country’s getting fucked
They put the blame on us
A country where the cops are thugs, would snatch you for a simple gaze

All the politicians are bastards
Only looking to suck on your blood
Tfuuh… Thieves
And the left are kids fooling around
Sleep well habibi while they shove their cocks in you
Thriving on people’s misery
Fooling the naive people (Purveying ignorance to the naive people)
And fucking them up
10 years of revolution for nothing
Shout as loud as you can, they’ll still do whatever they want

Look how your land is being sold to the Romans*
Look how the youth are fleeing or selling watermelons on the streets
Your people are dead alive, eaten by misery and hunger
Eaten by the bourgeoisie and those who came after the dethroned* (Ben Ali)

All the politicians are bastards
Only looking to suck on your blood
Tfuuh… Thieves
And the left are kids fooling around
Sleep well habibi while they shove their cocks in you
Thriving on people’s misery
Fooling the naive people (Purveying ignorance to the naive people)
And fucking them up
10 years of revolution for nothing
Shout as loud as you can, they’ll still do whatever they want

There came the day
Where you have only steel and fire left
That’s what you choose
That’s what will carry your voice
Your destiny is in your hands
Your destiny is not a toy in the hands of the politicians and pigs
And the police
And the brothers of Iblis*
And all those who trade behind the scenes
And the media
And the old servants* (old regime)
And those who fucked us all
In the name of Islam


هي توضيح لعلاقة المجتمع و الواقع بالرّاطسة السّياسية
الّي حكمت و مازالت تحكم و تحطّم في حياة الشّاب و المواطن التّونسي
أغزر للشارع كان مازال في راسك شباك
أغزر بالعين الحيّة كيفاش بلادك تتناك
يرميو المسؤوليّة عليّا و عليك يلوموك
بلاد الحاكم بانديّة على تشوحيرة يجو يهزوكسياسيين لكل طحانة
جايين يمصّو و يعلفو
تفوو سرّاق
و الgauche فروخ تمسح لخنانة، نم يا حبيبي
يعطك نم يجيك في النوم
تعلمو الحجامة في روس اليتامة
و الشعب زكيم زيد جهّلتوه
نكتولو بوه
10 سنين ثورة بلا كمامة
قول الي تحب و هوما الي في راصهم يعملوه

أغزر لترابك كيفاش للرّومي يتباع
أغزر لشبابك هاجج والا ناصب بالدلاّع
ناسك مدفونة حيّة كلاها زمم الهم والجوع
كلوها كالبرجوازيّة و الي جاو بعد المخلوع

سياسيين لكل طحانة
جايين يمصّو و يعلفو
تفوو سرّاق
و الgauche فروخ تمسح لخنانة، نم يا حبيبي
يعطك نم يجيك في النوم
تعلمو الحجامة في روس اليتامة
و الشعب زكيم زيد جهّلتوه
نكتولو بوه
10 سنين ثورة بلا كمامة
قول الي تحب و هوما الي في راصهم يعملوه

جاك نهار
ما بقالك فيها كان الحديد و النار
هاذاكا شنو تختار
هاذاكا اليحكي عليك
مصيرك بين يديك
مصيرك موشي لعبة بين كلاب البوليتيك
و البوليس
و إخوات ابليس
و النّاس لي تبيع وتشري من وراء الكواليس
و الاعلام
و الأزلام
و الناس لي حشاتو فينا
باسم الاسلام

Bled ElKhir / The Land of Goodness

Bled ElKhir/The Land of Goodness
Translated to English by Sofian Zerelli
Edited by Znous

This Song is a wild rampage resulting from the accumulation of
frustrations against the sociopolitical reality in Tunisia. It’s a slap in the face of the corrupt bastard ruling the country today, those who ruled it before them, and the media mafias that is hijacking every last bit of hope for freedom and progress.
Znous is a tunisian hardcore punk band, inspired by what remains
from Tunisia’s collective awareness of its own misery,
and this is the second song from their first EP,
dedicated to those who sold the country and stole from its people.
Never forgive, never forget.


Welcome to the country of good deeds
In which you never know what will happen
Where the rulers plunder, and the ruled have no consciousness
Welcome to the country of stews
lies, plunder, mockery and thievery
A country that underwent a revolution, only to give it away to the mercenaries
Sell it! Sell it! Sell it!
There is nothing left to sell!
Welcome to Bejis*1 Country
For which Daghbeji*2 gave his life
Populated by folks whose collective identity is scattered accross a scrapyard
Welcome to a cursed country
a meaningless circus
I want to stab karoui el fehri*3
Die! Die! Die!
Your hands are stealing, oh Chahed*4
Don’t you think we’re going to forgive/forget you
Your hands are stealing, oh Chahed
One day Tunisia is going to burn you alive

(1) Tunisia’s late president Beji Caid Sebsi
(2)Mohamed Daghbaji (1885-1924) was an iconic figure of the tunisian
resistance against the french occupation, executed by the french millitary
during their occupation of Tunisia
(3) Nabil el Karoui and Sami el Fehri are tunisian TV moguls and prison
convicts, and the combination of their names is a reference to all the
corrupt and biased media and media mafias in Tunisia
(4) Youssef Chahed is Tunisia’s late corrupt prime minister, who was in
office at the time of the release of this song

بلاد الخير

الغناية هذي قصف عشوائي نتاج تراكم غبينة الواقع الإجتماعي و السياسي في تونس
كف للقذارة الحاكمة ولي حكمو قبلهم لكل و مافيات الإعلام الجاثمين على آخر أمل تحرر أو تتطور للتوانسة
زنُوس هو فريق موسيقى ﭘانك تونسي مقيم في ضميرما تبقّى من وعي هذا الشعب المنكوب
هذي الغناية الثانية من مجموعة الأغاني االاولى و نهديوها لكل من باع وسرق تونس
و ماناش مسامحين

أهلا بيك في بلاد الخير
في “الماتدري شنو اللّي يصير”
في بلاد الحاكم ينهب و المحكوم بلا ضمير
أهلا بيك في بلاد المرقة
كذب و نهب و قحب و سرقة
في بلاد الي عملت ثورة باش تعطيها للمرتزقة
بيييييع … بييييع … بيييع
آش مازال باش تبيع
أهلا بيك في بلاد الباجي
اللي فداها بدمو الدّغباجي
بربش عالايدنتيتاي تلقاها عند الخرداجي
أهلا بيك في بلاد اللعنة
سرك و سردوك بلا معنى
نحب ندغر قر#ي الف#ري 500 ألف طعنة
مووووت….مووووت… موووووت
أيها القذر.
تسرق يديك يالشّاهد تسرق يديك يالشّاهد
تسرق يديك… يجيك نهار تونس تكويك

Khoroto / Drunk as fuck

Khoroto* / Drunk as fuck
(Original song by Gultrah Sound System)
Translated to English by Hichem Hidri
Edited by Znous

Bouzid is wearing clothes*1
Bouzid is all Naked [it’s all the same]
Bouzid with clothes
Bouzid´s got a job [still always lame]. 

Bouzid is clothed
Yet he is barefoot [it’s all the same]
Bouzid is clothed,
Look how happy he is! [still lame] 

A visually impaired in the land of the blind*2 [it’s all the same]
Walking naked with a golden ring in hand* 3 [still lame] 

They brought to you some Human  rights! [it’s all the same]
Straight from Sudan’s plains and heights [still lame] 

We [thralls] left beneath the walls
Peering over the bay for a vessel to smuggle us away

Oh god almighty! 

They laid waste to our country 

Night’s long and Dawn [a forgotten song].
We no longer [blessed] like the rest.

Hey educated men! and hey you communist…

I’m hungry and I no longer care
A day shall come and [we ‘ll be square].
I will be s
peaking Italian out of despair. 

We [thralls] left beneath the walls. 

Peering over the bay for a vessel to smuggle us away. 

Oh, god almighty! 

They laid waste to our country
Night’s long and dawn [a forgotten song].
We no longer [blessed] like the rest. 

Bouzid is wearing cloths
Bouzid is left Naked [it’s all the same]
Bouzid is wearing clothes
Bouzid is barefoot [he’s always lame]
Bouzid wearing clothes,
Bouzid´s got a job! [it’s all the same]
Bouzid is wearing clothes
Bouzid is an asshole [[he’s always lame]

* Khoroto is a tunisian slang expression that conveys drunk manners and the state of being very drunk.
*1 Tunisian proverb to convey meaning of inequality
*2 Tunisian proverb to convey mediocrity
*3 Tunisian proverb to convey the absurdity of giving the wrong priority to things

بوزيد مكسي بوزيد عريان* عايش خوروطو بوزيد مكسي بوزيد خدام عايش خوروطو بوزيد مكسي بوزيد حفيان عايش خوروطو بوريد مكسي بوزيد فرحان يا لعمش في بالد العميان* عايش خوروطو البس خاتم زكو عريان* جابلكم حقوق االنسان 

و المود دومبلوا مالسودان 

و احنا الي ڨاعدين تحت الصور و نڨابرو كانشي بابور 

و يالعالي يا موالنا 

في بالدنا عاثو الفساد 

و الليل طال و الفجر نسانا مانا هانيين كيف العباد 

و يالقاري و يالشيوعي 

أنا جيعان ماعال بالي 

تو يجي نهار تو تلڨاني 

مالهم نهدر طلياني 

و خلينا ڨاعدين تحت الصور و نڨابرو كانشي بابور 

و يالعالي يا موالنا 

في بالدنا عاثو الفساد 

و الليل طال و الفجر نسانا مانا هانيين كيف العباد 

بوزيد مكسي بوزيد عريان عايش خوروطو 

بوزيد مكسي بوزيد حفيان عايش خوروطو 

بوزيد مكسي و بوزيد خدام عايش خوروطو 

بوزيد مكسي و بوزيد طحان عايش خوروطو

Boutellis / Learn to swim

Boutellis/Sleep Paralysis (Learn to swim)
Translated to English by Aladin Dhawedi
Edited by Znous

The referee whistled the end of the game
And bleachers’s lawn of snakes who provoke and frame
Crowds of people, lucky is he who got a ride
The rest are left to ambulate to reach where they reside
A state of snitches torturing youth
It would render you homeless
and feed you to the hounds
Officers of terror, castrated
yet they still bite and plunder
Your mother’s honor,
they’d thoroughly slander
Then they’d bully you and push you
down a valley
Learn to swim*1 Go ahead
Learn to swim, Go ahead
Learn to swim, Go ahead
For each mother you made suffer I say ACAB
For every bribe you gobbled up I say ACAB
For every woman you abused I say ACAB
For every case you fabricated I say ACAB
For every girl you assaulted I say ACAB
For every road you barricade I say ACAB
For each and every neighborhood you poisoned I say ACAB

And for every kid you forced to pee*2 I say ACAB

We shall witness you fall ACAB
We shall witness you fall ACAB
We shall witness you fall ACAB
We shall witness you fall ACAB

*1 Google: “Omar Abidi”, a young Tunisian football supporter who got assaulted by Tunisian police and left to drown in a fluid. Witnesses quote police agents telling Omar: “Learn how to swim” after he begged them for help.

*2 Urine cannabis test

بوتلّيس/تعلّم عوم
الأربيتر صفّر و الكورة هاي وفات
حنوشة تتلكش بولوز و قرادانات
النّاس أكداس…حشاه الّي دبّر ركوب
و الباقي يروّح نايكها على زوز
دولة طحّانة و تعذّب في الشباب
تشرّد زك أمك و تنش عليك الكلاب
بوليس إرهاب…مخصي و مزال يعض
يسبّولك أمك
زيد يدزّوك في الواد
تعلّم عوم… تعلّم
تعلّم عوم… تعلّم
تعلّم عوم… تعلّم
لكل أمّيمة شويتوها نقول ACAB
لكل جعالة كليتوها نقول ACAB
لكل وليّة ظلمتوها نقول ACAB
و لكل قضية لفّقتوها نقول ACAB
لكل بنيّة مسيتوها نقول ACAB
لكل ثنيّة سدّيتوها نقول ACAB
لكل حومنا الي سممتوها نقول ACAB
و الشبيبة اللي لزّيتوها تبول… ACAB
يجيك نهار و تنهار…. ACAB
يجيك نهار و تنهار…. ACAB
يجيك نهار و تنهار…. ACAB
يجيك نهار و تنهار…. ACAB

Tes3in Belmiya / Ninety percent

Ninety Percent
Translated to English by Hichem Hidri
Edited by Znous

They speak of a tribe
Who rapes the devil in the name of allah
Their male have unmatched virility, true Gorillas!
blessed and protected and highly knowledgeable
Their female clings to school till they drop dead
or end up on a husband´s bed
Their offsprings, unpromising and filthy,
A buzz to be no more than a fuzz

[Let us strike a bargain], I beg you please!
and all that jargon…
Living bacterial, grazing, defecating and hibernating
A walking blight, [looking for fight],
stealing and [yet] fasting Ramadan?!
He could eat his sisters alive… but never a porc!
He is handsome built of bsissa*, olive oil and croissant
He has got wit for sports, politics, culture and arts
and all of those know…
A herd of ass-lickers, humped yet happy!
Spent their lives kneeling to thir sultan

They speak of a community whose 90%
are consumed by ignorance and hypocrisy
A magic mix of demokhracy,
identity crisis and theivery
A hostage state to the greedy and the corrupt,
their ruler is one of them!
They are hermaphrodites!
Looting all, sparing nothing,
the resources of the land and people´s blood

[Let us strike a bargain], I beg you please!
and all that jargon…
Living bacterial, grazing, defecating and hibernating
A walking blight, [looking for fight],
stealing and [yet] fasting Ramadan?!
He could eat his sisters alive… but never a porc!
He is handsome built of bsissa*, olive oil and croissant
He has got wit for sports, politics, culture and arts
and all of those know…
A boot-licking race [no sense of duty or rights],
[apex predators] and parasites
In a land where honest labor is not their passion
yet dishonesty is the fashion.

 *Bsissa: Tunisian local food.

تسعين بالميّة

يحكيو على ملّة تسمّي بسم الله حتّى كي تشد الشيطان بالسيّف
ذكرهم لا يقلّه فحل و غوريلا محصّن مضمّن بدن و عرّيف
الأنثى يا بابا تشد الكرتابة تقرى لين تخرى و يجيها العريس
ذراري مجرابة تبشّر بالصابة قباحة و ننّاحة آخرتو كان بوليس
إيجاني نجيك براس و لديك و هاكا الجارغون
عايش بكتيريا ياكل و يروث ينيك في النوم
أمراض تمشي على زوز ساقين يسرق و يصوم
ياكل لحم خواتو بنات أما الحلّوف نون
صاحبنا خميس عليه بسيسة و زيت و كرواسون
يفهم في الكورة سياسة فن ثقافة لكل سي بون
شعب الله الطحّان متناك و فرحان
عدّى حياتو مفقص يرقص يلحس في السلطان
يحكيو على فيّة تسعين بالميّة من شعب كلاه الجهل و النّفاق
خلطة سحرية ديمقراطيّة، أزمة هويّة و برشة سرّاق
دولة مكريّة لبو كرش و ليّة، حاكمهم منهم هرمافروديت
ينيك في الملمّة، ما بقى و ما فمّا، الفسفاط بدمّه و زيدو الفريت
إيجاني نجيك براس ولديك و هاكا الجارغون
عايش بكتيريا ياكل و يروث ينيك في النوم
أمراض تمشي على زوز ساقين يسرق و يصوم
ياكل لحم خواتو بنات أما الحلّوف نون
صاحبنا خميس عليه بسيسة و زيت و كرواسون
يفهم في الكورة سياسة فن ثقافة لكل سي بون
راطسة طحّانة بارازيت دومينانت
في بلاد الخدمة عيب و التقوحيب آ لا مود

Refuse Resist (Tunisian version)

Refuse Resist (Sepultura Cover/Tunisian version)
Translated to English by Sofian Zerelli
Edited by Znous

Znous covers Refuse Resist by the Brazilian heavy metal legends Sepultura in their own style and with different lyrics in Tunisian.


Get the fuck up!

You feel the lump in your throat
and you cannot breathe anymore
when you stand no humiliation anymore
The bread tastes bitter
And you got so familiar with poverty

Corrupt politicians
Capitalists and cops
Have always taken what is not theirs
since the jurrasic era

The future looks pitch black
You are highly educated with degrees
Yet you get fucking nothing
In a country where only arse lickers get jobs

They took shit loads of loans
To compensate the Islamists
France add to our misery
They steal our salt from Zarzis

Refuse! Resist!
Refuse! Resist!

Sadness fills our neighborhoods
Our days seem endless
We get high on whatever we can afford
To forget about poverty and hunger

When cops pay you a visit
You better give them the only thing you have got
Anger and stones brought to ebullition
Shoot on them all…

ريفيوز ريزيست

إعادة لغناية الفريق البرازيلي الأسطورة سوبولتورا على
طريقة الفريق

بالغصّة النفس يذيق
كي الذل ماعاد اتّيق
الخبزة مرارت في الفم
و الفقر ستانس بيكفسّاد البوليتيك
وراس المال و les flics
الغورة تجري في الدم
مالعهد الجوراسيكالمستقبل ظلمة تحيس
قريت الماقراه ابليس
في الاخر تلقى النم
في بلاد الخدمة لحيسناكو قروضات devise
عوّض les islamistes
فرانسا تزيدك في الهم
ناكو الملح فجرجيس

ريفيوز ريزست

في حومنا زمم يفوح
تمركي الجورني بالروح
تشري ماكتب مالسم
تنسى العرية و الجوع

هاو حنشة جانا يزور
تفضّل هاو طاب الفطور
حجرنا بالقهرة يفور
كيّس كامبي و موطور

Bakukush / Diapers Pack

Bakukush/Diapers pack
Translated to English by Sofian Zerelli
Edited by Znous

A panoramic depiction of the social hysteria that plagued the Tunisian society

in the aftermath of the 2011 revolution. A hungover society drifting away from
reality, haunted by the psychological disorders of the past, trapped between
the predators that rule the country today, and the fear of what the future


This song is a portrait of 10 million Tunisians…superposed.


People are fucked up
Smoking pot in dark corners
People are playing dead
and cops are lurking around the corner
People are making jokes
People are mocking each other
People are bitching around
Swallowing pills and depressed
People are rioting
People are dancing
at funerals!
People´s got rabies
Killing each other
over a bottle of booze
People are wailing
They wanna go home from work
People are wasting bread
and pretending to starve
People are copulating
Like reptilians
People will fucking eat you
like a Shawarma
People are scamping
People are wallowing
as usual
People are yawning
People are craving
the years of the ZABA*1
People are wandering and lost
People are enjoying their misery
People are stoned
Poeple are drunk to their guts
People are fucked up
Keep them away from me!
It´s Corona!!
The people are us
The people are you
and them

Fetch a pack of diapers on your way back home!
Don’t you look behind you on your way back home!
Don’t pretend to be strong on your way back home!
Walk head down underneath the walls,
on your way back home!


*ZABA is abbreviation for Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali (Ex-dictator)


صورة بانورامية للمشهد الهستيري الاجتماعي التونسي في السياق المابعد-ثوري تخميرة شعب هربت بيه و تراكمت عليه عقد الماضي، جنون الحاضر و خوف مالمستقبل غناية في شكل صورة بورتريه ل10 ملاين تونسي فوق بعضهم
العباد تناكت
تكمي في تراكن ظلمة
لعباد تتماوت
و الحاكم لابد في الزنڨة
لعباد تفدلك
لعباد تتمنيك سكارة
لعباد تتقحبش
لعباد تحربش منهارة
لعباد تتناطح
لعباد تتشاطح في جنازة
لعباد تتكالب
لعباد تتقاتل ع ڨزازة
لعباد تنوّح
تحب تروّح مالخدمة
لعباد تلوّح في الخبز
تجوّح ع ڨدمة
لعباد تتزاحم
كيما الزواحف بكمة
لعباد تتناكح
تعملك واحد شاورمة
لعباد تغفّص
لعباد تتكربص كي العادة
لعباد تتكسّل
لعباد تتحسّر ع الزابا
لعباد تتسكّع
لعباد تتمتّع بالغبنة
لعباد تڨلّع
للفم تبلّع طبرنة
لعباد كي النمّي
أبعدهم عني كورونا
لعباد هوما أحنا
لعباد هوما انت
و هوما
كي تجي مروح جيب باكو كوش معاك
كي تجي مروح ماتتلفتش وراك
كي تجي مروح ماغير ماتلعب فيها صيد
كي تجي مروح روح لابد تحت الحيط